Ohio Populated Places 's' List


Ohio Populated Places Alphabetical Index

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Ohio "S" Populated Places

 Additions and/or corrections to the database are encouraged! Simple Add/Edit Procedure.

Populated Place - Place or area with clustered or scattered buildings and a permanent human population (city, settlement, town, village). A populated place is usually not incorporated and by definition has no legal boundaries. However, a populated place may have a corresponding "civil" record, the legal boundaries of which may or may not coincide with the perceived populated place. Distinct from Census and Civil classes.
Displaying 76 to 150 of 211 records Back 75 Records Next 75 Records
Name County
Sherwood Stark
Shilling Morgan
Shimar Adams
Shinn Morgan
Shobers Mills Carroll
Shorts Station Hamilton
Shrewsbury Hamilton
Sicily Highland
Siloam Gallia
Silver Creek Greene
Silver Creek Medina
Simmons Lawrence
Simms Greene
Simonsons Hamilton
Simpkinsville Clermont
Simpsons Jackson
Sims Valley Muskingum
Siney Fulton
Singers Corners Williams
Sissons Corners Geauga
Skiffsville Brown
Skullfork Guernsey
Slab Camp Marion
Slab City Geauga
Slate Run Franklin
Slemmons Morgan
Slicks Marion
Smiley Paulding
Smileys Corners Franklin
Smith Muskingum
Smith Settlement Williams
Smithdale Harrison
Smithfield Trumbull
Smiths Gallia
Smiths Mills Marion
Smiths Settlement Wayne
Smithville Montgomery
Smithville Geauga
Smock Hocking
Sniders Fairfield
Snooksville Defiance
Snyder Hamilton
Snyder Mahoning
Soakum Noble
Sodom Champaign
Sodom Miami
Solomonstown Logan
Sophia Paulding
Sorg Highland
South Carbon Hill Hocking
South Celina Mercer
South Fairmount Hamilton
South Loudonville Ashland
South Milford Station Clermont
South Pendleton Hamilton
Southside Hamilton
Spangler Muskingum
Spann Clermont
Sparta Athens
Spencer Lorain
Spencer Corners Geauga
Spicertown Summit
Spragues Corners Erie
Spragueville Cuyahoga
Spring Grove Richland
Springfield Station Clark
Spunkeytown Pickaway
Spunky Puddle Clark
Squawtown Pickaway
Stacy Harrison
Stafford Clark
Stanton Clermont
Stark Stark
Startle Jefferson
State Line Trumbull
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